Sunday, April 11, 2010

"The old theory was 'Marry an older man, because they're more mature.' But the new theory is: 'Men don't mature. Marry a younger one.'"

same deal as last time. i'm gonna be all over the place again. i think i should keep it like this. it gives my blog originality and keeps it down to earth. i think this post is going to be much shorter than the previous ones though, not much to talk about.

i think i'm losing a lot of hair. i believe it started 2 septembers ago when i worked at this factory and i used to wear a hat 8 hrs/day, 5 days/wk. i'm not exactly sure what the cause of it may have been but i definetely do not recall ever shedding this much hair before then. maybe it was my shampoo... i don't know. my hair abnormalities started when i was 15 i think. between the ages of 12-15 yrs old i used to use that garnier fructis stuff almost every single day (because my hair can't stand being unwashed for a day or else it'll get all greasy and shit) and there were no problems then. 15, not sure what went wrong but my scalps started to itch real bad--to the point where it went all red. so then i changed shampoos, to pantene pro-v (i think thats what its called. the 2 in 1 shampoo/conditioner thingy). i used the volumizing kind because i love my hair nice and thick.
ok i may sound really metrosexual but i really am not lol. i only use like 2 hair products: my shampoo and my hair gel. it'd be nice if i were disciplined enough to groom myself well but trust me, if you see me now i'm far from the typical metro dude. would like to be but am not.
anyways. so from 15-18 i've been using this pantene shampoo almost everyday too. but then 2 septembers ago, whether it was because the factory or the hat-wearing or my shampoo, i started to lose a lot of hair! like at least a dozen more than i've noticed when i shampoo it in the shower! i'm even losing them as i simply ruffle my hair--well not much much but definetely more than before that september. i should ask the doctor if this is normal. because apparently i'm losing much more than hair than a few years ago.
even until this day at my coffee shop they require the staff to wear hats all day. so i pretty much not even bother taking care of my hair now, just as long as its not too greasy.
back in school i used to gel my hair almost everyday. now, i cut my hair twice a year. i cant exactly express my... "creative" hairstyles now that i gotta wear a hat 8 hrs/day. cant wait til college this september. bushy bushy bomb hairdo here i come (bomb as in cool... again)

oh and also i've been having these stretch marks all over my body. unlike my hair loss, i know for sure how i got these. i used to be really skinny all throughout my life util i turned 17. i just blew up into mediocrity. no more chopstick legs. but these stretch marks are quite a bother. it's not obvious obvious but i definetely see/feel them myself. across my chest, the top of my calves, my lower back, my inner thighs, sides of my knees, on my penis--joke--and the most obvious on the sides of my ass cheeks. ok i'll wait til you stop laughing...
ya so recently somebody suggested i buy those cream for pregnant ladies--actually its after their pregnancy. and i did. maybe the cashier thought my "wife" just gave birth... i hear its like permanent but what the cream does is to limit any other stretch marks in the future or something? noooooo lol

i've been trying to apply for a credit card here in canada but so many companies didn't approve any of my applications. their excuse was that i don't have any credit history... uhh well how the hell am i supposed to start my credit history if none of y'alls are hatin on me? lol i swear man i'm so hopeless. it's not that i really need a credit card at the moment but it'd be nice to shop online or buy my plane tickets by myself you know. i tried canadian tire, sears, hbc, rbc bank, and even my own bank of TD Canada Trust. i applied to capital one and was accepted but... they have an annual fee of $75. why the fuck would i want a credit card that charges me more than what i spend on it a year? so i say no thanks. anybody out there have any suggestions for me, a canadian who has no credit history? i applied for the TD visa online so maybe i should just directly speak to my banker directly... duh.

so yesterday we celebrated my niece's 3rd birthday. i didn't really know what to get her... she likes to watch barbie... ok barbie it is then. i havent been to toys r us since i was 12 i think. man the store sure felt much smaller this time. i miss buying my pokemon stuff at toys r us. it was fun when it lasted. but anyways. i've never had to buy a barbie doll in my life before. i'm not gonna lie to you and say i didn't feel awkward--kinda, not so much. i didn't know barbies costed so much... or maybe i'm just cheap. i found it was funny how the cashier immediately asked me if i wanted a gift receipt. and how do you know i'm not some barbie collector of some sort!? sexist... =P
so i got her this barbie with the vespa... it looks kinda neat and i saw my niece was very pleased with it when she unwrapped it. "omg thank you uncle joey! i love you i love you i love you" i think she meant it--joke.


ok i honestly dont say fabulous too often, if not at all. what i say is "you're hot"--i mean "that's hot"
i am constantly changing fashion-wise. i went from the ecko-loving 8th grader to burberry-worshipping 9th grader to bathing in hollicrombie clothes in 11th grade to... now. before, i was obsessed with brands. today i just look down on those who are. i now wear the clothes more than the brand. one of my pet peeves is those who flaunt designer labels so anybody in a mile radius can see what they're wearing. i was that. i may still wear the labels occasionally but they're strictly only the... "less known" brands. i forgot who said it but they said "where is the luxury when you see it everywhere?" so damn true. what i say is when it comes to trends--whether they be cars, clothes, tattoos, music you listen to, whatever--follow from the few and set for the many. i try to keep away from designer logos such as gucci, burberry, louis vuitton, versace, D&G, fendi, chanel, armani, coach, christian audigier, diesel, etc. (to name a few). not that i don't like these brands but its the average people who wear them and think they're the shit. you don't really look richer wearing these logos, you just look more pathetic and unoriginal. (btw, the sweater in the pic has got to be fugliest piece of clothing i've ever seen that has LV written all over it. must've been one of my fellow asian friends who made it--was that racist? but i'm asian too though lol). if you know how to wear the clothes without having to flaunt those dreadful designer logos then i salute to you my fashionista friend. some stores i like to shop at are cheap stores. h&m n zara are bargains, awesome shit.

when did i become less interested in these designer brand logos? maybe it was the day i opened up a GQ magazine. i've been subscribing to it since august of 2008 and have been enjoying every single issue ever since. it is the gateway for the everyday men, taking them from pop culture to haute culture (not couture, thats different... haute couture is lady gaga). it may be considered to be the metrosexual men's magazine. it covers everything men, from fashion to women to the showbiz industry to food to sports to fitness to cars to travel to even politics. and at times it can be quite immature and hella funny. talk about immature men i'm not sure who said this but i saw this on facebook "The old theory was 'Marry an older man, because they're more mature.' But the new theory is: 'Men don't mature. Marry a younger one.'"
sick-ass mag. go and check one out guys if you havent.

that is all for today ladies and gentlemen. i'll share you in my next post character-wise what men and women turn me on. what my dream partner would sound like. =)
take care and God bless always mates.

haha yes my first hyperlink!


  1. Hi there Joey

    Mr Analytical 1 reporting in again! Yes, I did read your comment on Craig's blog before I commented on your last post.

    In no particular order...

    Congrats on the hyperlink!

    Building up a credit history: I think this can be a real pain, I'm sorry to say. And yes, it is a Catch-22 situation: you need a credit history to get a card at all easily; you need a card to develop a credit history. A friend of mine, born and brought up in Britain, moved out to the US for his first job after his degree. He told me that he had a real struggle getting anyone to give him a credit card - I think he spent about a year building up a credit history with things like store cards. To be honest, I would suggest that the $75 annual fee might be worth it, just to allow you to build up the credit history to get another, cheaper card. Talking to your bank sounds like a good idea too - there must be thousands of people in your position, and there surely has to be some sort of route into the system. Also, once you have a card, use it: you've got to demonstrate that you acquire, and pay off, debts. Obviously, be careful with it - you shouldn't treat it as an infinite source of money. Rather, use it to buy things that you were going buy to anyway, just so that those transactions start showing up in your history.

    It might be worth seeing a doctor about your hair - the sudden reaction of your scalp to the shampoo (presumably) at age 15 seems unusual. A doctor might be able to recommend something for the stretch marks too.

    That's about it for me, today.

    Take care


  2. hmm a real pain eh? ya tell me bout it. i'll try maybe a secured credit card. how it works so i hear is that i deposit any amount of money my credit limit wud be n then... actually i dunno how it works beyond that lol but somethin like that. thx for readin tho mark.
