Wednesday, April 14, 2010

my perfect partner

short post. got nothing to talk about...

k its really late and i can't sleep so might as well write a blog post.
what does my perfect girlfriend sound like?

character-wise?.... i like girls who are pretty much like me but not exactly the same. she's gotta be creative, funny, spontaneous, adventurous, willing to try new things, and also relatively strong in her christian faith (even though this may be quite problematic after i would come out to her). she cant be the jealous type or the controlling type. she's gotta be caring... towards others, but at the same time have some attitude. i also like strong-willed girls. she shouldn't be "sensitive". she's gotta be full of life and an optimist. a "social butterfly" is what i also look for. she needs to know when to have fun n when to get serious. she's gotta be insightful and deep BUT not too judgmental at the same time. having some sense of art would be nice. i'm not a exactly the go-getter. i would like a girl who's able to motivate me to be more of one. she can't be afraid to get dirty to get something important done. and of course i would love a girl who's fashion-forward like me but even more! she should be able to dress with class, dress with style, dress with character n also dress with attitude--to stand out from the rest, a trailblazing fashionista.

not realistic but quite possible. =P

in a man...? pretty much the same shit but... he's gotta be protective and physically strong =) i think i'd be the woman in the relationship. why would i wanna be the man when i can be one with another girl right? switch roles! lol and also he doesn't need to be fashion-forward. athleticism is definetely a plus but not always necessary.

any questions?

k g'nite guys n God bless always.


  1. Hi there, Joey

    Mr Analytical 1 zeroing in here...

    There's a sentence in this post that really caught my attention:

    i think i'd be the woman in the relationship.

    You seem to be implying that in a relationship between two men, one of them has to adopt a female or feminine role. Have I understood that correctly?

    There are a couple of relevant posts you might like to read, from bloggers in same-sex relationships.
    First, this one, from green and purple, whose husband's grandmother asked, "Who does the cooking?"
    Second, in this rather long post, Dave83201 says of his new relationship:
    This is all new territory for me. I have been a boyfriend to girls before, but I am not so naïve to think that that is at all the same as being a boyfriend to a boy. Its gotta be different, and I feel as much out in the woods as Brandon who hasn't been a boyfriend to anyone, ever.
    (NB. The adult content warning is highly relevant for later parts of that post.)

    Take care


  2. hmm i dont think one of them HAVE to adopt either roles. i guess come to think of it its not likely that i'll always be playing the woman. its more that i do prefer a guy who can physically defend me the way i do with my girlfriends (or even more). but ya as i imagine i now it wud be pretty cliché n boring if one is to keep a role of the man or the woman in the relationship. i guess that sentence was influenced by pop culture which oftentimes wud ask which of the two in the homosexual relationship plays which role rite? cuz i've never been in a gay relationship so i dunno wut to expect y'kno. lol k so just scratch that sentence =P

  3. HAS* (instead of have) grammatical error

  4. And your perfect guy? lol have a good weekend!

  5. I know this post was a bit ago, but I just discovered this blog and I wanted to say thank you for this quote.

    "why would i wanna be the man when i can be one with another girl right?"

    Even though I know that in a relationship with another guy, it isn't necessary to adopt traditional feminine/masculine roles, I completely understand and agree with your statement.

    Thank you for so perfectly describing how I feel about my bisexual preferences. :)

  6. hey man thx for reading!
    umm i guess ur welcome haha but nice to kno another bi guy is reading my low-quality stuff. =P
    btw u have a blog? it seems u have a... livejournal? wuts that? is it pretty much the same thing?
