Monday, June 28, 2010

I'M FINALLY OUT!... at least to HIM i am =P

(note: this first part was written on june 26 and i am posting all of this together today on june 27 because i meant to write a post yesterday but did not)

woe toronto. earthquake. chaos in downtown. nuff said

but on a lighter note, world cup in toronto is... undescribable. i assure you nowhere else in the world can you feel as if the whole world resides in one city. i'm proud of my multicultural toronto. seeing all those flags on car windows brings me goosebumps. i love it.

raise your hand if you've peed in a public pool on purpose! so after i wrote my last post about goin to the water park i remembered reading somewhere that about 1 in 5 adults have intentionally peed in a public pool. thats disgusting people. i wouldnt even pee in my own shower.

another random thought on my mind was seeing a wet floor sign in the shower room of my gym. way to point out the obvious guys. or maybe the gym's too scared to get sued by their clients or something. it happens i guess.

today at work i was assigned to do some work in the store's freezer and i totally forgot to bring my warm jacket since it's summer and all. so because my crush starts work at chilly 3am he happened to bring his sweater. and he was nice enough to lend it to me for my freezer work (which lasts for about 1-1.5 hours). there something about girls wearing their boyfriend's shirts or sweaters or whatever that apparently brings them... comfort? i never really understood that with my ex girlfriends... until today. i love the smell of it (must be that he showers daily and puts on deodorant--lets hope its true). * cue "T-shirt" song by shontelle*

so tomorow's d-day. i still can't believe i'm coming out to my own male crush. the plan is i'll be taking him out to a restaurant and then take him to this cliff place where there's a bench we can sit on. i already confirmed with him tonight that i'll be picking him up tomorrow right after work because tomorrow is my day off.
i told him "dude i'll pick u up tomoro at 4. i got something to get off my chest. remember that thing that i've been holding off since apr?"
and he's like "o ya. who else is coming with us?"
and i said "no one of course!"
and he's like "so it's a date then? lol"

i wonder what's on his mind right now. i wonder what he's expecting. i wonder how he'll take it. "a masculine bisexual crushing on me?" not sure if he sees it coming...
it's one thing to come out to your friend. it's another to come out to your friend who you're CRUSHING on.
kind of ironic how i first was crushing on the girl he's going out with right now and now... "the tables have turned" lol i've never really experienced anything like this... to be bisexual.

so i wrote ALL THAT up there yesterday. and tonight i came out to him finally. and this is the story of how i came out. not as dramatic as i had imagined...

i took him out to eat at the nice reastaurant i said. we got a nice patio table. we ate. and as we ate he kept on asking me what it is i wanted to talk to him about.
he was like "i think i have an idea of it but not quite sure. does it have anything to do with [girl he's 'secretly' goin out with]?"
i told him "somewhat". the first part is about her but the second part will get very interesting. we'll save it all til we're done eating i said to him.
we were kind of in a hurry since he's got this basketball game in 45 min.
after we were done i figured we dont have time to go to the cheesy cliff bench place thingy so it had to be done in the car as i was to drop him off at his basketball game.
and our conversation in the car went a little something like this...
me: "so dude you remember when you first told me you're secretly going out with HER? well to be honest i was pretty upset to know she pretty much chose you over me... and remember last week when i told you i was jealous of a certain person at work AT THE MOMENT? i was jealous of you for a short period. but over time that jealousy pretty much... switched places [lack of a better way to say it]. i'm..." i took off my stylish non-prescription $10 glasses and paused for a little bit.
him: "dont worry i know where this is going."
me: "i'm attraced to both genders."
and him being the clown he managed to break the ice by enthiastically with not a single stutter of tension in his voice confirming with me it changes nothig between the two of us. and that he said he was very well flattered to know a GUY actually likes him. instead of a hug unfortunately he only gave me one of those "whats up man?" high fives that we dude give each other after not seeing each other for a while. you guys know what i'm talking about lol. we cant hug while
i'm driving anyways.
i also assured him he's got nothing to worry about me trying to pervertedly rape him or something because i've honestly never saw him in any sexual way.
i also told him i'm telling him this because he had trusted me first. therefore i should believe he is just as trustworthy as me at keeping secrets.
he told me he kind of foresaw it coming after i told him i have a secret to tell him. i didnt get the chance to ask him this but i'll ask later is whether he foresaw that i would come out as a homosexual or as a bisexual...

after that its all pretty much casual QnA stuff.

i'm out to my CRUSH. of all people in my life he was first =) i dare you guys now to try something like that haha

so this upcoming week will be my last full week at work but of the 5 days i'll only get to work with him in the first 3 days until the next monday after. and then it's off to my country i goooooo. take it easy and God bless always guys.

PS. thank you to all who have shared their coming out stories. they definetely had inspired me to come out. even though it's only to him, it's at the most a very good start, i think.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Fun in the sun with my favorite man

i literally LOL'd at the picture after i first saw it. if you can't read the little caption under the picture it's apparently a water park in tokyo whose slogan says: "Welcome to the breathtaking Tokyo Water Park where you can wash away the pressure and stress of the overcrowded city and relax with your friends in the soothing enjoyment of sun, fun, and splashing." yes i can see that it's not as overcrowded as the city. *sarcasm intended* honestly wtf do you do in that park? mass orgy?

i kinda prefer not to write a post on my desktop in my basement cuz its cold and lonely there and there are spiders.
(major arachnophobe here. i'm one of those people who would spot a spider in their room and you try to grab something to kill it and suddenly after you come back for it it disappears and you kind of cant sleep knowing the fact its still alive and crawling around and it can be right on you at anytime. ok i'm not really that extreme but i'm still scared shit of them eight-leggeds.) anyways.
i figured out a way to blog from my iphone! ya i'm on the bus now as i'm writing this. so what i do is i would send this via email and when i do get home all i gotta do is go down to my basement and log on, cut and paste, and voila: a blog post. and also in this way i can share with y'all my life as i go. come to think of it if i'm dilligent enough i can hvae you guys a blog post every single day! but its not likely hehe

hey guess what? yesterday i took with me my crush at work to the water park. i wanted to invite these two girls from our work too (who i specially chose to come with because they're pretty hot i think). the girls bailed out because one of them is the secret girlfriend of my crush and she didn't want the others to figure out they're going out. at least that's what he said. the other one said she supposedly accidentally told her... jealous boyfriend she's going swimming with her male co-workers. so then they got into a fight. so it was just the four of us guys.
and yes if you're wondering i was very pleased to see my crush topless for a couple of hours =) but he lost some weight though. went from 190 to 180 in a month. i liked him better at 190... i keep telling him he looks good the way he is and he insists on losing more weight. while i'm trying to gain weight lol

what is up with me and construction workers nowadays? i think they look pretty sexy in their dirty overalls and hard hats especially when they have some meaty bodies. yum. so there's this regular customer of mine who is one and he's got both the body and the face, both category 1 and 2. not HANDSOME handsome but... "ruggedly handsome". i find it pretty cute how he's missing one of his front teeth LOL he's got some pretty sweet ink too. inked is usually a plus only when they look cool. i got weird taste in guys. this is very true when i find certain guys like enrique iglesias UNattractive.

short post. i'll write more later. good night and God bless always guys.

Monday, June 7, 2010

hot ASIAN guys at the gym

holy shit i havent blogged for the longest time...
is it just me or that i kind of noticed that the bloggers i follow now don't post as often as before the mikey incident? its like we kind of lost... inspiration in a way? maybe its just me.

i honestly have been ultra lazy these past few weeks. i've told myself over and over again that i'd write a new post but i managed to put it off til 2.5 weeks later.

so i kind of only post on my blog when i am doing laundry. because apparently in my basement is where my desktop that i use to only write blog posts because i can't do so from my iphone sits right next to my washing machine. yea i havent done laundry for quite some time now. well for one thing i have a lot of clothes and for another OUTERWEAR such as polo shirts (because i often wear an undershirt underneath it), jeans, and hoodies i like to wear a couple more times before it gets dirty/smelly. underwear, undershirts, and socks are of course a wear-once deal. so i have 2 laundry baskets, see? one is for clothes that i will wear again, the other is for clothes i will only wear once or the "already dirty/smelly" pile. so i only do laundry when the latter is full.

a lot of stories to share but i really don't have any idea of where to start.
*opens up iphone notes app*

i said i were to share you guys of how my nephew's funeral went but i'm too lazy to go into drama mode. i'll put that to the side.

my stalker. to the side.

so i used up my $600 credit limit in a matter of 2 weeks or so i think. and of course i paid the bill in full so i can use more of it again. credit cards do make life easier--but like i said as long as you use it correctly.

i love sushi. i especially love ayce (all you can eat) sushi. what i don't love is fake all you can eat sushi. i went to this sushi joint a couple days ago and it was for only $16.99/person for weekday lunch. the dinner price jumps up $10 so it was kind of worth it i guess. BUT what is the point of "all you can eat" when certain items are limited??? like wtf. the sashimis were limited to 10 per person. the prawn tempuras to 2 per person. the baked mussels to 2 per person. and some other stuff i forgot. they didn't even have the special rolls ie. dynamite, spider, green dragon, red dragon, etc. i'm comparing this joint to this other one that charges $20/person DINNER and all you can eat EVERYTHING, even the special rolls. it was so worth the extra $5.
so that was my restaurant rant.

so my favorite lady is on the cover of my favorite mag this month!
*squints eyes* that's a nipple that i'm seeing in the pic right?................................

the very mother of my late nephew just gave birth to a handsome son recently just a month after his older brother's leaving. i'll explain in detail in a post some other time.

i was surfing the web (do people still say that nowadays?) and i was reading the list of the best night clubs of the year created by... DJ Magazine if i'm not wrong. of the thousands of clubs around the world, Guvernment of Toronto was named best club in the western hemisphere and Beta of Denver was named best club in America. props to both my hometowns woot! clubbing is pretty fun when you go with a whole bunch of peeps. i don't really drink too much because more often than not i'm the driver. although when i don't drive i try to always take advantage of the opportunity. =P and also as the fashionista that i am, clubbing is a chance to show off what i got. except for the fact that it's kind of dark in there so...
fyi i'm definetely not your typical ed-hardy-slash-christian-audigier-wearing, designer-logo-flaunting douchebag. i take pride in the actual outfit i wear and not the brand itself like many of my fellow asian douchebags. (very occasionally i do the brand though and i try my best not to =P)

talk about clubs, i'm really diggin kelis' new song called acapella. the david guetta remix is especially orgasmic. never thought the milkshake lady would join in the club scene like that. sick song.

hey a new pokemon generation is coming out next spring! pokemon black and white. stoked.

ok so my fitness club have different branches all over the place right? so like 2 weeks ago on sunday i just got off from work at 4 and was about to go my regular branch when they told me they're closing at 6. i told them that i thought they closed at 8 on weekends. so they referred me to another branch a couple blocks down the road. it wasn't as nice but the guys there sure were ;) i havent seen so many category 1 and category 2 asians guys in one place before. ok i only saw 5 but at my regular branch i'd only see 1 or 3 of such asians at the most. usually meaty asian guys at the gym i see are category 1's cuz they got the body and the handsome face altogether. i should go there more often.

so that's pretty much all i wanted to share. uninteresting and not all that provocative. hopefully i'll get to the juicy stuff in future posts.

good night and God bless always folks.