Monday, June 21, 2010

Fun in the sun with my favorite man

i literally LOL'd at the picture after i first saw it. if you can't read the little caption under the picture it's apparently a water park in tokyo whose slogan says: "Welcome to the breathtaking Tokyo Water Park where you can wash away the pressure and stress of the overcrowded city and relax with your friends in the soothing enjoyment of sun, fun, and splashing." yes i can see that it's not as overcrowded as the city. *sarcasm intended* honestly wtf do you do in that park? mass orgy?

i kinda prefer not to write a post on my desktop in my basement cuz its cold and lonely there and there are spiders.
(major arachnophobe here. i'm one of those people who would spot a spider in their room and you try to grab something to kill it and suddenly after you come back for it it disappears and you kind of cant sleep knowing the fact its still alive and crawling around and it can be right on you at anytime. ok i'm not really that extreme but i'm still scared shit of them eight-leggeds.) anyways.
i figured out a way to blog from my iphone! ya i'm on the bus now as i'm writing this. so what i do is i would send this via email and when i do get home all i gotta do is go down to my basement and log on, cut and paste, and voila: a blog post. and also in this way i can share with y'all my life as i go. come to think of it if i'm dilligent enough i can hvae you guys a blog post every single day! but its not likely hehe

hey guess what? yesterday i took with me my crush at work to the water park. i wanted to invite these two girls from our work too (who i specially chose to come with because they're pretty hot i think). the girls bailed out because one of them is the secret girlfriend of my crush and she didn't want the others to figure out they're going out. at least that's what he said. the other one said she supposedly accidentally told her... jealous boyfriend she's going swimming with her male co-workers. so then they got into a fight. so it was just the four of us guys.
and yes if you're wondering i was very pleased to see my crush topless for a couple of hours =) but he lost some weight though. went from 190 to 180 in a month. i liked him better at 190... i keep telling him he looks good the way he is and he insists on losing more weight. while i'm trying to gain weight lol

what is up with me and construction workers nowadays? i think they look pretty sexy in their dirty overalls and hard hats especially when they have some meaty bodies. yum. so there's this regular customer of mine who is one and he's got both the body and the face, both category 1 and 2. not HANDSOME handsome but... "ruggedly handsome". i find it pretty cute how he's missing one of his front teeth LOL he's got some pretty sweet ink too. inked is usually a plus only when they look cool. i got weird taste in guys. this is very true when i find certain guys like enrique iglesias UNattractive.

short post. i'll write more later. good night and God bless always guys.


  1. You and "meaty" guys, I don't get it. Oh, and I agree with you about spiders!

  2. Dude, that is exactly how I react to spiders, no joke!
    And hey, if you have unique taste in guys it means less competition.
    Construction workers are hot. :)

    PS Confused Grad I see you are making the rounds commenting, haha.

  3. LOL well it means u can cuddle with muscle and not... a stick figurine no offense to any skinny guys out there =P

    i fuckin hate those spiders that crawl away real fast too. good thing they cant fly. can u guys just imagine flying spiders??? >=O *suicide*
