Monday, August 9, 2010

vaykay in my country part 2: the wedding

july 29

its been 2 weeks since i even wrote anything on my iBlog (blog written on my notes app)...

a lot has happened. i've never been back to my country since '97. everything's almost new to me. so i told u that i'm goin back for one of my best friends wedding. i'll tell u in detail later. what am i doing now? i am on the toilet as i am writing this, in a hotel at this island resort place from 26-30th of july.

so since a lot has happened i have a lot to talk about =)
but i'll just share u guys the hilights (how do you spell hilights btw?)
lets start from the beginning.

i arrived at my homecountry's airport greeted by a massive black rat. you heard me right, i saw a rat run across the immigration hall of the airport. anyways.
so i seem to have this perspiration problem in my homecountry. i sweat like a pig here compared to back in toronto. the humidity is just absolutely overwhelming for me.

the malls here are so much bigger than in the West holy shit. but a lot of stuff are really cheap too here compared to stuff in the West. like those street vendors who ironically make some of the best foods i've tasted is only about $1.50 for a whole meal. thats insane! even the middle class restaurants that i would spend at least $20 in canada i only spend about $11 here. love it =) not only food but pretty much all kinds of stuff are cheap here. i get a haircut there in canada for $16 on average. here: $6. and that already includes washing of the hair. nooo i have 2 more weeks left here!

i had the runs for the first 3 days of my trip here because of the food. my friend's mom took me to their local doctor and the doctor gave me a shot on my ass and a bunch of other medicines. they worked though. the runs only lasted only til the next night.

the wedding was pretty neat. although it wasn't exactly a traditional wedding nor a western wedding. i found it kind of weird. it was held at this 4-star hotel. we decided to book a room for all the bridesmaids, groomsmen, and the bride and groom's parents and grandparents. talk about the bridesmaids one of them got me thinkin... of dirty thoughts. she's got one of those bitchy naughty girl looks... *pank pank* 
the day sarted out with the holy matrimony at 11am. it lasted for about 2 hours i think. and then we had to wait in our hotel rooms until 7pm which is when the reception begins.
holy shit. 1,200 people came in about 15 minutes into the reception. and the bride and groom had to shake hands with ALL 1,200 guests. i would cry. honestly. 1200 fuckin people!!!

thats apparently how it works here in my country. especially when you're a relatively rich person like the groom's parents, extravagance is mandatory. the more people who comes the better. and the more wedding gifts you get.
why is it weird? well because how it works is that the guests come all dressed up, shake hands with the bride and groom, and then mingle amongst each other in the banquet hall with drinks and food and chocolate fondue. soon after they go home. so it's not like those western weddings where the (limited lol) guests come, sit, and watch certain entertainment performances of different sorts. they watch the bride and groom have their first dance. and would be able to dance on an actual dance floor, right? well not here.
btw, i forgot to mention that i, as one of his best friends, had to give an embarrassingly too long of a champagne toast in front of all of the 1,200 guests. remind me to never to be anybody's groomsmen if they were to marry in my country.
and also, they had an enormous wedding cake that was purposely made to decorate and not eaten. i mean it's a real cake but they said the icing on the cake was so hard you can barely cut it.

the bill for the whole wedding? they told me it was almost $70,000 USD. o fyi because it was done in my country and everything's much cheaper than if it were done in the West, it seemed as if it costed even more than $70K. and that was because only the groom's family was rich. sometimes these chinese have weddings in the 6 figures range. they're of chinese descent, no wonder. and the chinese run pretty much 90% of my country's economy. pretty much like the jews of this place.

no wedding cake to eat. no first dance. no dance floor. and 1,200 people showed up. i will never get married in my country.
so there was this pastor's daughter whom i had been crushing on ever since she came to visit toronto who also came to the wedding. she brought along a boyfriend too lol. and he was short. i say he was kind of cute... but short. she's like 5'10", wore 8-inch heels, and he looked to be 5'6". why not go out with me who's also 5'10"? =) and i was naively asking her "hey is he your little brother"
and she was like "no he's my....... friend hehe"
and i was like "omg i'm so sorry... i thought he was your little brother. LOL"
there was also this really cute guy who happens to be one of the groom's good friends. he's half indian half chinese. as i scanned across the 1,200 guests i think it's safe to say personally he was the best-looking guy among them all. but he's got this really weird high-pitched laugh that kinda irks me. he'd probably only fit under my category 3. super cute nevertheless.

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