Tuesday, August 17, 2010

vaykay in my country part 3: the REAL vacation

aug 2

right after the wedding the bride and groom, the bride's parents, her older brother, and i went to this popular island resort place thingy... a lot of white people lol, "i'm back in canada."
we stayed there for 5 nights and 4 days at some 3-star hotel with 2 large swimming pools which we only got 1 chance to swim in (ok the "54321" is corny but its all true =P)
we did a lot of shopping. the island was rich with culture and we brought home some pretty neat stuff.
we did some watersports. we went banana boating, scuba diving, parasailing, flying fish [hyperlink], and boated to another island to check out some pretty sick animals we could actually hold (sea turtles, boas, giant bats, and exotic birds).
later in the week i also went to "monkey jungle" where you go into this park where there are monkeys all over the place. you buy a bunch of bananas for about two bucks and you get to feed them one banana at a time. unfortunately when i got to hold the bunch one naughty monkey decided to climb up my shirt and snatched the bunch right out of my hands... my face was priceless--they said.
i ended the trip with a major fever. i felt like i was dying lol. i wanted my mommy...
so on the last day we went to this mall and i can barely walk because of the fever therefore i decided to stay in the car. they insisted i keep the AC on in the 36 degree weather inside of a parking lot. i told them just turn it off cuz for one it'll save gas and for two i have the chills anyway and AC would only make it worse. surprisingly it was quite relaxing in the burning hot car, windows UP. if i were healthy i prolly wudnt have lasted 5 minutes in there. it felt like a fuckin sauna in there...
overall that island place was siiiccckkkkk... like man i'd much rather live on that island than at the city i am staying at. the place was full of culture and there's always neat things to do and buy.

aug 4

last sunday i went to a wedding a of a relative of my mom's whom i could not recall ever knowing since i was really little when i "knew" them. so my aunt took me to the wedding. we went straight to the reception and it was a relatively traditional wedding reception and all. they had up pictures of the bride and groom at the entrance and i remember thinkin "damn the groom is cute!" and little did i know that he's actually the MUCH younger cousin of my mom. he's 27 and i would call him uncle. my brother who is 36 would then call his 23-yr-old sister aunty. hehe funny. talk about her, she was one of the bridesmaids and i took a liking to her too and i too found out shortly that she was my aunty and i was like ">=O" like seriously wtf lol.
my attire i thought posed to be a little problem personally for me. while everybody else had traditional formal apparel i had on some clothes... lets just say too "new york" for the event. well i thought since its a wedding reception and all i gotta look good. and i forgot the trendiest people of this country are the rich-ass chinese who actually has the money to pay for such urban-style clothes here. my mom's family, unfortunately for my wardrobe that night, is not chinese. lesson learned.

aug 8

i just got back from a 3-day trip to the bride's hometown (about 3-hour drive). it wasnt as nice as the island resort place but... i met a dude i really liked--not as much as shrek of course hehe
so i met a since-middle-school friend of the bride who apparently is some kind of breakdancer who competes nationally. he's definitely one of my weirder crushes...
he's short, pale, of chinese background,... and short. omg he's so short. but he's so cute (note: cute. not gorgeous) and so funny too! fuck i cant believe i'm crushing on a dude like him. anyways.
i'm back in the big city again (still in my country). went swimming at the bride's tonight and saw a very unattractive naked FAT chinese man in the change room. blech.
soooooooo i'm flyin back to canada in less than 7 days! woot woot. i'm actually kinda bored of my country now. but i'll of course miss the good CHEAP food here. man do i love cheap food. minus those damn runs.

btw i've been tryin to find a cheap pokemon soulsilver game here but all they got are files of pirated games, not the actual game. because i've been trying to play the one i downloaded myself but the thing keeps fuckin freezing right? so i thought i could get a cheap one here. they sell 3 ds games for a buck. meh, better than nothing.

warning: xxx-rated stuff to follow. read at your own risk. not like it'll stop you from reading.
random topic: since it's my blog and i can say whatever i want... 
when i watch straight porn, i am really turned on by watching both men and women get off... i'm talking about those grunting, screaming, shaking orgasms.
like for example when i see a HOT, quiet man fucking a chick and he suddenly gets all buck wild as he gets off. as he'd tremble in pleasure. especially the dudes with nice deep voices... ooh =P
same goes with women. i definitely like watching girls play with themselves. i get all riled up watching hot girls masturbating then squirting all over the place and then starts to quiver in orgasm. thats so hot. i love squirters.
i hear there are techniques to get a girl to squirt... i should try this sometime on a girlfriend.

aug 9

boy do i miss shrek. a lot.

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