Friday, November 19, 2010


its another day at starbucks. and tonight i got the chance to work with both my crushes! and she had on a shirt. that showed her cleavage. i aint complainin. motorboat-able. and he was cute as always. ah yes we need names for them!
she will be called... christie
he will be called... max--no no, not max. too douchey. mark! he shall be called mark!

so apparently christie's taken. for sure. by some (brown?) dude named sunny. i deduced he was brown because sunny is usually a brown guy's name. o sorry to my american readers. BROWN is the coloUr which we canadians describe indians (india indian not mohawk indian). ya i kind of learned that when i fist moved to canada. now enough brown people in the states to have a color of their own there i guess. or is it just me?

so yesterday and today and tomorrow up until sunday... at starbucks we have this deal where you can get a free christmas drink if you buy one other christmas drink with it. but only between 2pm - 4pm. the number of cheap asses that want to take advantage of the deal is overwhelming. i could've sworn they used to say that the busier you are the faster time will fly. well it felt like forever today as you constantly look up at the clock wishing it would already be 4pm. lol i felt sorry for those who only came to buy ONE non-christmas drink and they gotta wait like 15 min to have it made as they stand in line behind the cheap asses i mentioned. honestly if i were a customer myself, one free drink would NOT be worth the wait. its a friggin oversized drink that--to me--tastes similar to any other overpriced drink at that store!

thats all for today. take it easy guys and God bless

1 comment:

  1. colour? does that rhyme with sour? lol jk
    i've heard people use the color brown to describe so many different nationalities. India Indian, Mexicans, any Latin American nationality really, and Arabs. It gets really confusing.

    Yeah. Considering how long it takes to make those drinks, I don't think I'd bother waiting for my free drink. I'm not supposed to have that much caffeine anyway. If I had a friend who'd be willing to split the price though, that'd be different. I actually did once refuse a buy one get one free deal at a coffee shop. Why? Because I really didn't want the extra coffee and I thought I'd save them from wasting their product
