Saturday, July 10, 2010

Brown Shrek telling me he wovs me! part 1

remember when i told you i decided to write my posts on my phone first then i would send it via email and then i publish it from my desktop? well it seems i'm much more lazy to actually get on my desktop to publish it. so instead of publishing a post for every single day, i would publish posts maybe once a week. you'll notice how i have a date for each day i have written a "blog post". i'm thinking of dividing this post into two because of its length and i thought you guys would like to read it half by half without having to crash on your very keyboard from reading my long and boring blog post. i had quite a shit storm of a week so i got a lot to talk about.

june 30

what was it like to work with a dude who knows full well i like him now? its surprisingly not as awkward as i thought. maybe i'm just too pessimistic at times. he's just as cool as before i came out. btw just recently i started calling him "brown shrek". and how did he get that nickname again? last weekend me, crush (i shall refer to my crush on here from now on as shrek), and another bud of ours was talking about how big shrek is and i was like "ya that kid's huge eh? he's like a friendly giant." and my bud was like "ya man he's like shrek haha" and i added "ya BROWN shrek! LOL" cuz he's southeast asian brown and he's big like an ogre. yes i'm corny like that. although he is only like an inch shorter than me.
o btw i asked him about whether he had a feeling i was actually bisexual or just homosexual and he said he thought i'd be bi seeing that i do admire women too. he told me he remember me telling him i had a secret to tell him, then he put the pieces together and figured i would be bi. he was like "that's why i've been trying to get you comfortable enough with me by jokingly saying i love you at the end of our phone calls and stuff so you can 'come clean'." awww he's sho shweet! lol god his wife is such a lucky woman. at the same time pretty unlucky considering he's cheating on her as we speak right now.

talk about his relationship with the co-worker, he told me while we were eating at the restaurant that he's thinking of ending their relationship because he does feel guilty at times. i was like thinkin to myself "dude good luck with that *sarcasm* because well you guys work in the same place, your wife's half way around the world, and it will get lonely on certain nights! and it's not like this girl is going out with any other guys here in toronto anyways. she chose you and she probably wont just forget about you just like that. especially after a 6-month relationship." not saying it's impossible, just not very probable... drama shit. i say you forget about her and start a 2-week relationship with me! =D pwede ba yan?" once again, this was me thinking to myself!

k raise your hand if you've caught wood at work. i definetely have. of course 99% of the time is half-hard ones or else i'd be the butt of all jokes at work. long-legged-big-breasted-slim-waisted female customers do this to me. also musclebound male customers in yummy wife-beaters too.
short uninteresting story. today at work there was this hot girl who came in with who seemed to be her ugly-ass boyfriend (ok he wasnt that ugly but maybe its just my jealousy talkin lol. well from my gay perspective at least, he wasnt that hot compared to the girl) they looked to be in their late teens. she had nice long legs, perky tits and her shorts were up to her crotch level at least. the bottom of her ass cheeks were like poppin out. she might as well just wear her panties. a miracle happened and she dropped her napkin and bent over to grab it... o lord have mercy.
any of you dudes have suggestions to reverse the "effect"? i watched on manswers that a way to reverse a boner is to stick something cold under your gooch (term i learned from watching jackass aka best show ever) like a cold beer or something. yea that's very convenient. think about sports? think about football? mmm beefy linebackers--o no that'll make it worse!

july 2 (around 1 am)

hey recently the UFC is starting to really pique my interest, not only because of the amount of uh-may-zingly hot category 2 and 1 guys in it but because this is some genuinely hardcore shit! it takes nerves of fucking steel to train that hard to be that skilled. like i know it's been around for like forever and i had kinda been ignoring it, but man i bet they eat babies for breakfast. i wish i can fight like them. i'll eat HOMOPHOBES for breakfast. back to the hot guys. there's so many to choose from! holy shit... like in the nfl there's so many out of shape guys *cough roethlisberger cough* that the category 2's are prolly outnumbered lol. with the mma fighters its the opposite: you can count only so many of the out of shape dudes. it'd just seem very hard to be FAT to fight i guess. football is dominated by white and black dudes while the ufc has a bigger variety to choose from (mmm latinos, brazilians, asians! o my!...). i wonder which one (or two... maybe three... or even more) is gay... mmm mmm mmmmmmm lol

last night two of my fellow co-workers invited me over to a movie night at their house and since they're girly girls they decided to watch this chick flick called... "dying love"--or is it "dying young"? cant remember the movie--starring julia roberts if i'm not wrong... i honestly dont mind chick flicks (not because i'm half gay but because i love movies in general). as long as it's good. and this one was not. at all. i seriously dont see how you can like a movie like that.

it was canada day today. so since its a statutory holiday (it is right?) i firgured i would be able to park my car by my work for free. all of the parking meter would be flashing "expired" which means i dont need to put any money in it. they always have this every sunday and on statutory holidays. they asked me to work the night shift since they said the evening would be much busier than usual. it was pretty sweet. we thought that we should have a pot luck that night so i got to eat free food wooo! filipino food is bomb.

and the night ended with my car getting towed. like wtf. i am so fuckin cheesed right now its now even funny. so what happened was that apparently they decided to close off the street from a certain time to a certain time that night. i never thought this early in my life would i be asking myself "dude, where's my car?" so i came out of the store and my heart just dropped right then and there as i saw the parking meter with one of those bag thingies over it saying "no parking here". they could've at least put some kind of notice around the parking space that says "street closed for canada day from __:__ to __:__" so i can fucking park my car some place else. its not like i was there for the whole day--for only 8 hours! so i pretty much had to bus home of course. why this just 2 weeks before i'm leaving for vacation? and i was (hopefully still am) trying to sell my car just before i leave too. i hope i can fight this.

move on to part 2...

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