Friday, March 18, 2011

not really back... but found out a close friend is gay.

ya i've been gone without sayin a word. just like the rest of them.
writing this blog is like trying to stay on a healthy diet. i just dont have enough willpower to continue.
it really saddens me to see some of the blogs i used to follow have to end. many have said their farewells. many have explained they lost the inspiration to continue.
me? i'm just fothermuckin lazy, to be honest. i really do have a lot to share but i just feel like nobody cares. so why bother? lol
but i really do hope to meet in person one if not all of my followers and/or the bloggers i follow.
if you guys are in toronto, i really wish there was some way to easily contact me. because the thing is i cant give you my phone number nor can i give you my primary email. and even if i do give you my secondary email i would rarely ever check it. i have already rarely check my primary email i could only imagine when you do send me an email to my secondary one. lol.
"hey joey i'm in toronto! wanna meet up?"
*6 months later...*
"ya sure! where you at?"
you see where i'm gettin at? =P

o well.

but good news. i MYSELF recently found out one of my friends is gay! even though he's been out to his other friends a year ago... ya i was self-informed and one of the last to know.
i found out when i saw a picture of him on msn kissing a dude.
i was like "why do you have a pic of u kissing a dude?"
and he was like "isnt obvious joey?"
"ur shitting me"
"ya i've been out since a year ago"
i was so frikin excited its not even funny! because for one he wasnt flaming gay so it never crossed my mind. two, he's my first actual gay FRIEND. yes, friend. not just some classmate. or some co-worker.
last night i had a chat with him. and it was one of the best chats ever, let me tell you. unexpected. mind-blowing. epic.

one step closer to being fully out. o and btw i let him read this blog eh? wonder what he'll think of it...

so i guess this is goodbye? no. the thing is i can still pop in anytime i want. so lets not compromise... and i dont even know how to use the word compromise because this is my first time to.
i might just pop in just for the hell of it. or i might pop in next time i fully come out. that way i can give away my real ID. and then we can meet up. and have a lil naughty rendezvous. jaykay.

take it easy guys and God bless.


  1. Hey man. Good to hear from you again. I might not write posts anymore, but I still read yours. Hope your friend likes your blog.


  2. Hi there, Joey

    It's good to hear from you again: I hope life is going well for you. Coming out to one of your friends is a pretty important step, especially if he's someone you can have a good talk with because he's gay himself.

    Blogging is something you should do because you enjoy it, or because you're getting some other benefit from it - there's no obligation. If it's not working for you, then by all means have a break; come back if or when you feel there's something you want to say. I'm interested to hear your news, but it's up to you whether you want to tell us.

    As for meeting up: yes, I'd like to do that, and you're certainly welcome in Cambridge if you ever visit Britain. Meanwhile, I am thinking of crossing the Atlantic and visiting Toronto (and other parts of Canada and the US) some time - probably not this year, but quite possibly next year (escaping the Olympics!) or the year after. I probably can give you six months' warning of that!

    Take care

